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A BIG Pilot for PEI


—We advocate for a Basic Income Guarantee that delivers benefits through the tax system—. People living on low income will receive a top-up to a livable level so no citizen lives in poverty—. BIG invests in people so their basic needs are met.


The system is simple.

1. All adults below the poverty line (livable income threshold) receive a benefit, probably monthly, to bring them up to livable income.

2. BIG is based on three elements:

  • A maximum level for the benefit is set at the livable income threshold

  • A reduction rate so that if the person receiving BIG gets other personal income, the maximum level benefit will be affected by a reduction rate (for example the benefit will be reduced (taxed) by 50% personal income attained).

  • A break even level is the point at which the amount that is taxed back is equal to the maximum benefit.

3. A 5-or-so-year pilot for PEI to test the positives and negatives outcomes of the system.


One possible model: A pilot program to show that a Basic Income Guarantee is the right way for PEI to invest in people and eradicate poverty

  • A five-year pilot

  • 1,000 participants in the program

  • A control group, to demonstrate benefits

  • A model that will scale up for the whole province


We are consulting with community members for their wisdom. What are your ideas?


« BIG » comme projet pilote à l’Î.-P.-É.


Nous préconisons un revenu de base garanti qui livre les avantages aux gens de l’Île à travers le système des impôts. Les personnes qui ont un faible revenu recevront un rechargement à un niveau de subsistance pour qu’aucun citoyen ne doive vivre dans la pauvreté. « BIG » investit dans les personnes pour satisfaire leurs besoins fondamentaux.


Nous préconisons un projet pilote dans le but de montrer qu’un revenu de base garanti est la meilleure manière d’investir dans notre peuple et d’éradiquer la pauvreté.

  • Un pilote de cinq ans

  • 1 000 participants

  • Un groupe testé pour démontrer les avantages

  • Un modèle qui sert à accroître toute la province


Nous cherchons la sagesse de la communauté. Quelles sont vos idées?

Contact Us:

c/o Cooper Institute, Voluntary Resource Centre, 81 Prince Street, Charlottetown, PE C1A 4R3

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