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What’s in a name? Get used to BIG


Letters to the Editor (The Guardian)

Published on March 20, 2015

Many Basic Income Guarantee groups across Canada and around the world are developing programs of basic income. They insist on the importance of the name, Basic Income Guarantee (BIG). They occasionally, but reluctantly use Guaranteed Annual Income (GAI), an old phrase which falls short, both in terms of meaning and in terms of public policy goals.

First, the name, Guaranteed Annual Income (GAI), gives an “out” for public policy makers, who may interpret this as doing a little more of the same, a little increase here, a little increase there, but still leaving a high percentage of people living below the poverty line. The policy makers often refer to programs already in place which are in fact GAI-based, such as the Guaranteed Income Supplement for low-income recipients of Old Age Security or the National Child Benefit. However neither program is based on the actual costs of living for seniors or families with children.

There are two essential aspects represented by the use of the name, Basic Income Guarantee. Governments must agree to guarantee an income to all residents. The second emphasis is on the word “basic,” which identifies that the guaranteed income must be sufficient to cover all basic needs: healthy food, decent housing, adequate clothing, child/elder care and transportation. Secondly, the title, Guaranteed Annual Income, provides opportunity for contrarians who may want to undermine the work of BIG. They use the titles interchangeably, even though it is clear that GAI and BIG represent essentially different analyses and goals relating to a livable income for all.

Politicians must get used to using the title, Basic Income Guarantee and include it as an essential part of your upcoming election platforms.

Marie Burge,

Cooper Institute & P.E.I. Working Group for Livable Income

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